Parcel Segregation/Merge Search



Jackson County provides you the ability to view parcel segregation and merge data regarding real estate property in the County.

NOTICE: Certain services including online property and document searches and online requests for certified copies of deeds are unavailable due to the ransomware attack that the County is currently working through with contractors.


I hereby acknowledge the disclaimer, begin search below.
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Any person using this data and information shall and hereby does knowingly accept this data and information "as-is." Jackson County Missouri expressly disclaims any representation or warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of the same.

Jackson County expressly disclaims any representation or warranty that the data or information is current or as to the suitability of the data or information for any intended use. Any person using this data or information expressly releases and agrees to hold the County, its officials and its employees harmless from any and all claims or damages arising out of the use of the data or information, whether or not it is complete, accurate or current; and expressly agrees to assume all risk for use and reliance on the data and information.