Community Action Agency of Greater Kansas City


The Board shall consist of 15 directors who fully participate in the development, planning, implementation and evaluation of programs to serve low-income residents as follows:

  • Five directors shall be elected public officials, holding office on the date of selection or their representatives, except that if the number of such elected officials reasonably available and willing to serve on the board is less than five of the membership of the board, appointed public officials or their representatives may be chosen as directors (Public Sector Directors).
  • Five directors shall be persons chosen in accordance with democratic selection procedures adequate to assure that they are representative of low-income individuals and families in the neighborhood served (Low-income Sector Directors).
  • Five directors shall be officials or members of business, industry, labor, religious, law enforcement, education or other major groups and interests in the community served (Private Sector Directors).


Directors' Terms

  • The term of a Public Sector Director shall be four years.
  • Public Sector Directors may serve only while they, or their appointed officials, are in public office and may serve successive terms.
  • The term of a Low-income Sector Director shall be for two years.
  • Upon the completion of a term, the Low-income Sector Director may be elected to serve additional terms.
  • The term of each Private Sector Director shall be for two years.
  • Upon the completion of a term, the Private Sector Director may be selected to serve an additional term at the discretion of the Executive committee.
  • There shall be no limitation on the number of terms a Private Sector Director can serve.


Jackson County Representative Term Ends
Cathy Jackson Oct. 17, 2023