Register to Vote


"It's not the hand that signs the laws that holds the destiny of America. It's the hand that casts the ballot." - Harry S. Truman

To Vote

Step 1.Register by Mail

To register by mail in Missouri, download and print this form to mail to your local election authority listed below. Missouri Voter Registration Form

Step 2.Register in Person

Visit the Jackson County Election Board (address below) if you live in Jackson County outside of Kansas City to register to vote.
Visit the Kansas City Election Board (address below) if you live in Kansas City, Missouri.

Step 3.Moved

In order to be eligible to vote you must be registered at your current home address by the 4th Wednesday prior to the election in which you wish to vote. Registration does not follow you when you move. You must make the effort to notify the election authority of your change of address.

Election Boards

The Jackson County Election Board serves voters who are outside the corporate limits of Kansas City, Missouri, but within Jackson County, Missouri. Kansas City voters should contact the Kansas City Election Board. Both election boards are separate government entities. 


Jackson County Election Board              

215 N Liberty Street
P.O. Box 296
Independence, MO 64051
Phone: 816-325-4600


Kansas City Election Board

1828 Walnut
Suite 300
Kansas City, MO 64108
Phone: 816-842-4820
