Joe Piccinini

Joe Piccinini

Name and title
Joe Piccinini, Superintendent of Parks Safety
Number of years with Jackson County Parks + Rec

  1. Overall responsibilities
     I am responsible for 22 associates in the Park Ranger Division, 20 Park rangers and two dispatchers. Our responsibilities are the safety and security of all the parks in the Jackson County Parks + Rec system.

  2. Why did you decide to transition from Corrections to Parks Safety?
    I have a background in policing and law enforcement. What I like about Parks + Rec is that you meet people every day at a good place in their life. They are out at the parks, they are on a lake, or on a trail, enjoying themselves. Rangers get to meet and help patrons while they are having a good day in the parks verses in the detention or a law enforcement setting where you are meeting individuals during challenging times.


  3. Why is public safety so important to our community and the parks?
    People need the parks, and they need them to be safe and secure. Parks definitely help a community remain healthy and vibrant and gives the citizens of the community an opportunity to get out and enjoy the green space whether they are playing a softball game at the Frank White Softball Complex or they are riding a bike on the Rock Island Trail. It gives the community an outlet where they can be outside and enjoy the sun and enjoy the parks. Parks are critical to the community and as park rangers our responsibilities are to protect our parks, natural resources and the people who visit them.

    A great example of how parks are important to a community was during the COVID outbreak when people couldn’t go to work and were at home, they could still get out and enjoy our parks system. We saw a huge increase in the use of our trails and an increase in the use of the green space throughout our parks last year. The past year with the cancelation of so many events and entertainment venues the parks became important to people and was an outlet for individuals to get out and improve their health and wellbeing.


  4. What is the most rewarding part of your job at the parks department?
    The people. Parks + Rec is an amazing team; we all work together to get any job or task done. I can call the superintendent of recreation to assist with ranger details when needed and vice versa the ranger division is available to help other Parks + Rec divisions. It’s not only the people I work with, but the park patrons that come into our parks. They are in the parks to enjoy themselves. Our first job as a park ranger is to be a park ambassador, to greet people coming into our parks, to ask how we can help them enjoy their time in the parks and see what we can do for them while they are in the parks. It is the one thing that takes precedent above all others. It is the best part of the job!