Dianne Kimzey

Dianne Kimzey

Name and title
Dianne Kimzey, Deputy Director of Enterprise Operations
Number of years with Jackson County Parks + Rec
28 years at Jackson County with 23 years in Parks

  1. Overall responsibilities
    As Deputy Director of Enterprise Operations, I oversee all the Parks Divisions that serve the public in a way of offering additional recreation activities for a nominal fee. Examples are the Golf Course, Marinas, Campgrounds, Historic Sites, Recreation and Registration. I oversee the Budget and Finance operations for the Department.


  2. What is your fondest memory working with the Parks Department?
    I have several fond memories of my 23 years with the Department. There is a lot of joy being able to enhance the patron’s experience with each capital improvement that is made to an enterprise facility. We have upgraded many sites at the campgrounds, replaced boat docks and added playgrounds throughout the parks. Each improvement is always welcomed and very much appreciated by the patrons who frequent these areas. They mention the improvements and positive changes with great appreciation to Jackson County Parks + Rec. A smile on the customer’s face lets you know we are doing the right thing by making these investments.


  3. You oversee the enterprise side of our Parks Department, how much growth have you seen in the department and what do you see as being the key component of the department’s success?
    The Department has grown in a lot of ways and made so many improvements in my 23 years. We have streamlined our Enterprise Operations from a complete manual system of recording and tracking all operations. Moving from the cash register and notebooks to a computerized system also brought about an opportunity of taking online reservations. Total revenue generated by all Enterprise operations has increased $2 million in my tenure with the department. The teamwork of the staff and continued investment in the parks is key to the success of Jackson County Parks + Rec.


  4. What sets Jackson County Parks apart from any other parks in our region?
    I think the lakes in Jackson County’s parks are what set us apart from any other parks department in the nation. Most parks departments are not fortunate enough to be located next to the beautiful lakes we have to offer.