Fees at a Glance

Below is a brief outline of the permit fees per the Jackson County Food Code revised February 28, 2012. To view the full details see Chapter 40: Food Safety & Environmental Health(PDF, 155KB)  of the County Code.

Permit Type
Replacement Fee $5
Low Priority Food Establishment Permit
Medium Priority Food Establishment Permit
High Priority Food Establishment Permit
Late Filing Fee - Food Establishment Permit
Mobile Unit/Push Cart Food Permit
Seasonal Permit (operating 6 months or less)
School Cafeteria Permit
Soft Serve Dessert Machine Permit
Vending Machine Permit $30
Temporary Food Establishment Permit
Non-Profit Food Establishment Permit $30
Plan Review/Pre-Opening Application
Re-inspection Fee
$105 (per re-inspection)
Catering Operation Permit
Farmer's Market Stall Permit
$30 (annually)
Non-Profit Temporary Food Establishment Permit
$30 (includes 4 events)
Late Filing Fee for Temporary Food Establishment Permit (applied if application is not files within 48 hours prior to the event date)
Lodging Establishment Permit
Food Processor/Warehouse Permit
Aquatic Venue Permit $155

To obtain a permit, the establishment must 1st obtain a business personal property parcel number from the Jackson County Assessment Department.

To renew a permit, the establishment must provide Environmental Health with a copy of its Business Personal Property Tax Receipt for the previous year (if it was in business as of January 1), and a copy of its Jackson County Liquor License (if applicable). A food permit will not be issued to any establishment with delinquent real estate or personal property taxes.