Board of Equalization Swearing-In Ceremony and Closed Session

  • Meeting DateJune 24, 2021
  • Meeting TypeBoard of Equalization

Swearing-In Ceremony from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Closed session to conduct personnel actions from 1:00 PM until complete (or 4:00 PM) The public can access audio at the time of the meeting by dialing 888 398-2342, Access Code 8640172 (listen only) The Board of Equalization will go into closed session under section 610.021(3) to discuss personnel issues.


09:00 AM - 04:00 PM


112 W. Lexington Avenue 2nd Floor (conducted in person and virtual) Independence, MO 64050

Historic Truman Courthouse, Independence, 64050 View Map