Road Crew is ready for winter

Published on October 29, 2020

Winter prep


Jackson County experienced its first blast of winter weather for the season this week and Road and Bridge Administrator Jim Evans said his crew was ready.

“We had the crew in Monday morning at 3 a.m.,” Evans said. “It is better to work a winter weather event from the bottom up, rather than the top down, so as soon as pavement temperatures drop at or around freezing, we start putting down materials. We have a private weather forecasting company that keeps us updated prior to and during a winter weather event.”

Preparation for the winter season starts in July and August by receiving salt and sand for the roads. “We make repairs to the snowplow equipment right after Labor Day, we mount the snow equipment to the trucks to make sure everything is ready to go,” he said.

Road and Bridge Division is responsible for maintaining the roadways within unincorporated Jackson County. Throughout the year, Road and Bridge follows a preventative maintenance schedule to prepare for the unpredictable Midwest weather. To prepare for the winter storms crews review the Snow and Ice Control Plan that is designed to provide emergency guidelines to maximize the efficient use of personnel, equipment and materials during a snow and ice event. Performing routine inspections and reviewing emergency plans reduces accidents and provides access for emergency vehicles.

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