Changing the Name on a Deed

Add or Change

Add or Change Names On a Deed

Preparing legal documents is complex. While every individual is allowed to engage in this process, it is not something that most people without legal training should attempt to do.

This office receives many requests for information about where forms for various legal documents can be purchased. Forms for deeds and other documents are generally available at stationery and office supply stores.

Unfortunately, this office is not permitted to complete forms, help customers fill out forms, or to check forms. We can only check to see that the document presented meets the minimum legal requirements for recording. If the customer needs help, he/she can get a book from the library or book store to help guide him/her, but the better solution is to have the deed - or any legal document - prepared by an attorney.

Remove a Name

Remove the Name of a Deceased Owner From a Deed

One of the questions this office is most frequently asked is how to remove the name of a deceased person from the deed to property or how to otherwise "clear up" the deed, so that the property can be conveyed.

Unfortunately, this is not a process that is easily accomplished. Many factors must be taken into consideration including, but not limited to, future interests, trusts and taxes.

Obtaining Forms

There are no forms or prepared instructions which this office can give you. We are prohibited by state statute from offering anything which can be construed as legal advice.

Although office supply stores sell legal forms and there are reference books available in local bookstores and libraries which provide some direction in the use of these forms, you would be best served by consulting a Missouri attorney for assistance. If you do not have an attorney, the Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association maintains a list and can refer you to someone with the skills you need.