Doing Business With Jackson County

Doing Business With Jackson County

Ordinance 1000.00 of the Jackson County Code provides for County Purchases. "All contracts for the purchase or lease of supplies, materials, equipment, construction, or services other than personal or professional and except as otherwise provided by law shall be accomplished through the Office of the Director of Finance and Purchasing. It shall be the intent of this Chapter that, whenever practicable, contracts and purchase shall be let to the lowest and best bidder after due opportunity for competition."


Competitive Bid System

The County Code provides that certain purchases under $25,000 can be accomplished in the open market without advertisement. These bids are publicly posted in the Kansas City Courthouse and the Independence Courthouse Annex.

The County Code provides that all contracts for the purchase or lease of supplies, materials, equipment, construction, or services other than personal or professional, and except as otherwise provided by law, when the estimated cost exceeds $25,000 shall be purchased under formal, written contract from the lowest and best bidder in the open market observing formal procedures. These bids are posted publicly in both courthouses and sent to as many prospective bidders from the County's Bidders and Suppliers' List as is necessary to assure a reasonable distribution of the solicitation and adequate competition.


Lowest & Best Bidder

In addition to price, the following factors shall be considered in determining the lowest and best bidder: ability to perform, timely performance, character and reputation of bidder, quality of prior performance, compliance with laws and ordinances, quality and availability of products or services, future maintenance capabilities, and compliance with bid specification.


County Bidders' & Suppliers' List

Ordinance 1001.04 of the Jackson County Code provides for a Bidders and Suppliers' List for all persons, firms and corporations which have applied for that listing. Listings on the Bidders and Suppliers' List are granted upon written application only and are subject to the continuing approval of the Director of Finance and Purchasing. Listing terminates automatically two years from the date of application and may be renewed for any succeeding year only by submission of a new application. Applications are available by request in the Purchasing Division.


Tax Clearance Required

Ordinance 1003.00 of the Jackson County Code states "no person, firm or corporation, resident in Jackson County, or otherwise legally within the taxing jurisdiction of the County, shall be eligible to provide any goods, contractual services or anything covered by this chapter, unless that person, form or corporation is duly listed and assessed on the County tax rolls and is in no way delinquent on any taxes payable to the County."


Affirmative Action Program

Jackson County, Missouri maintains a long-standing policy to promote equal opportunity for employment, advancement and continuation of employment among all qualified persons regardless of their race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex or handicap. As a result, it is Jackson County's policy to let certain County Contracts only to individuals or firms that demonstrate their commitment to a policy of equal employment opportunity by adopting and implementing Affirmative Actions Plans.



(The term "Contractors is not limited to only those firms involved in construction activities; the term refers to any individual or entity employing six or more persons) bidding on contracts in excess of $10,000 or whose combined total of County issued current contracts would then exceed $10,000 must have obtained a current (issued with the last twelve months) Certificate of Compliance from the County's Compliance Review Officer.


Small & Minority Businesses

Emphasis is placed on identifying and/or assisting MBE/WBE/VBE and small businesses in having an equitable opportunity to compete for Jackson County's procurement transactions.