2024 Jackson County Property Tax Bills are now available to view and pay online.
8 – 11 a.m: Open to previously scheduled appointments, seniors, & physically disabled individuals. 11 a.m. – 5 p.m: Open to scheduled appointments and walk-ins as time permits. Schedule an appointment through Qless or by coming into the office.
The EHRCC takes FAIR approach to processing complaints - FAIR as in Facts, Answers, Insistence, Recommendations. This approach is based on a model developed during a 1971 international ombudsman workshop and adopted by the EHRCC Commission as policy in March of 1973. So, what happens when a citizen files a complaint with EHRCC?
Citizens may file a complaint by:
415 E 12th Street Kansas City, Missouri 64106
The duties of an ombudsman in the complaint process are that of a fact finder, analyst, translator, amplifier, mediator, persuader and, all else failing, a public advocate for the citizen. The director of the Ethics, Human Relations and Citizen Complaints serves in the role of an ombudsman. Throughout the process the ombudsman seeks to be both reasonable and persistent. Authority to make enforceable decisions remain at all time with agency officials or with elected officials. An ombudsman is a designated neutral or impartial dispute resolution practitioner who provides confidential and informal assistance to his/her constituents.
Ethics, Human Relations & Citizen Complaints Email the Department
Physical Address 415 E 12th Street 7th Floor Kansas City, MO 64106