Certificate of Compliance

A Jackson County Certificate of Compliance is required of all businesses and individuals wishing to do business with the County.

The Certificate of Compliance certifies the applicant has met the following requirements:

  1. Is not delinquent or otherwise owe any taxes to Jackson County, Missouri
  2. Attests and agrees to Chapter 6(PDF, 177KB) of the Jackson County Code which prohibits discriminatory employment practices and promotes equal employment opportunity by contractors doing business with Jackson County.

How to obtain a Certificate of Compliance:

We are unable to process applications submitted through the portal therefore the Compliance Portal is not operational at this time. Those needing a Certificate of Compliance should contact the Compliance Office via email compliance@jacksongov.org, or phone 816-881-3302 to request an application.


The applications for Certificate of Compliance must be submitted to the Compliance Review Office 5 business days in advance of any other Jackson County deadline (bid response deadline, Agency funding application deadline, etc.) in order to guarantee the issuance of a certificate in advance of that deadline.

It is incumbent upon the vendor to obtain a Certificate of Compliance as required. 

Please send any questions regarding the Certificate of Compliance to compliance@jacksongov.org.

Do business with Jackson County

Register as a Jackson County Vendor