Household Hazardous Waste Disposal

Hazardous household products are labeled as flammable, toxic, corrosive or reactive. All hazardous products must include one of these words - "DANGER," "WARNING" or "CAUTION" - on the label.

Hazardous products contain chemicals that are:

  • Flammable or combustible: can easily be set on fire
  • Explosive or reactive: can detonate or explode through exposure to heat, sudden shock or pressure.
  • Corrosive: can destroy and cause burns to the skin and other living tissues.
  • Toxic or poisonous: capable of causing injury or death through ingestion, inhalation, absorption or injection.
Examples of Household Hazardous Waste:
  • Automotive & household batteries
  • Fluorescent light bulbs
  • Automotive fluids
  • Fuels
  • Paint Products
  • Acids/bases & solvents
  • Hobby supplies
  • Herbicides & pesticides
  • Household & pool chemicals


It Is Your Home. Make It Safe. Logo Hazardous Waste Collections

Mobile collection events are held throughout the Kansas City area in Missouri and are free to residents of participating communities in the Regional HHW Collection Program.


Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day

Jackson County will hold a household hazardous waste day June 3, 2023 at the Road and Bridge Facility, 34900 E. Old U.S. 40 Highway, Grain Valley. 


Transporting Hazardous Waste

  1. Bring in original container, if possible
  2. Do not mix waste together
  3. Label materials not in original containers
  4. Make sure lids are tightly sealed
  5. Place leaking containers within a larger plastic container and pack kitty litter around the product to absorb leaks
  6. Place products upright in cardboard box and secure for transport
  7. Waste should not be carried in back seat of cars with pets or children
  8. Truck beds and car trunks are the best way to transport waste
  9. Do not smoke while transporting hazardous materials
  10. Keep flammables out of direct sunlight and away from sources of spark and flame